We had over 30 people at the June MPUG meeting. Here (finally) are my notes…
1. “What’s new in Python”
Lars Jencken gave a great update on what’s new in the Python ecosystem, and sent his notes to the list afterwards. Here they are verbatim:
- Being held in Brisbane in August 1st – 5th
- Travel grants are now available
- Upcoming call for proposals for a 1-day data science workshop beforehand
- Steven Goss: “Python 3 is Killing Python“
- Drew Crawford: “Python 3 is Fine”
- For reference, “http://python-notes.curiousefficiency.org/en/latest/python3/questions_and_answers.html”
- Check Github’s monthly or weekly trending repos for Python
- Software Developer, Biarri
- Short term network engineering role, Python Charmers (ed@pythoncharmers.com)
- 6-month role at Medibank (more details?)
2. Machine learning with Pandas and scikit-learn
Chris Hausler has put up the slides and ipython notebook from his talk.
3. pyenv
Tim Asquith introduced us to pyenv, for managing different versions of Python; for example, for testing an application against different Pythons.
For example:
pyenv install 3.4.1
pyenv showversions
pyenv shell 3.4.1
Some random notes:
- You can autoswitch between Python versions
- There is support for virtualenv
- It works with Jenkins
4. Coming up
The next MPUG meeting is Jul 7, 6pm at Inspire 9. Bernie Pope will be speaking on “Implementing Python in Haskell, twice!”
There is an open science workshop on July 19.